Goals for the New Year

Another year has rolled around, which means I will spend the next several weeks trying to remember to write 2013 instead of 2012.  As with all new years it’s a time to renew, refresh and set some goals.  I am going to avoid the clichés of losing weight and getting more exercise, that is just a given.  Come to think of it, we could all use more exercise; I don’t know a single person that I would say to “hey, you really need to stop exercising so much.”  I am sure there are some serious exercise fanatics out there, but I don’t know any. 

However, I do have some reasonable goals I would like to accomplish in the new year, so here it goes:

  • I have set a goal of biking 3,000 miles this year.  So my friend Caroline, and partner in biking shenanigans, we have to get busy planning some rides.  I would like to do at least one century. It also means more biking to work.  Now that the tolls have gone up on the Dulles Toll Road (my main route to work), this should not be too hard of a concept to embrace;
  • I am going to use more coupons.  It’s free money people.  I have a nice coupon organizer that I keep in my purse, but it gets overloaded with expired coupons, and coupons I would never use in a bazillion years.  I have never bought cookie dough with the fanciful holiday images that are emblazoned on the internal parts of the cookie; but yet I had three expired coupons in my organizer;
  • I am going to focus on clean eating, which means cutting out processed foods, less carbs and refined sugars. Cook more with whole grains, fruits and vegetables.  More organic meats and cheeses.
  • and more writing about my biking and pie making adventures, I admit, I have not been very good at this whole blogging thing.   

I have also gotten back into spin class, I used to do it years ago in the winter months, but fell out of the habit.  I enjoy it.  There is generally upbeat music, fans that blow cool air on you, a general camaraderie with the others in the class, and no fear of a blown tire or busted chain.  I find it is a good lunchtime workout. 

I’ve also signed up for a triathlon.  I used to do at least one a year, but injuries knocked me off track.  The biking and swimming portion are usually no problem, it’s the running that gets me.  If it were up to me, I would do the run first to get it out-of-the-way, and the swim last when you are all hot and sweaty…it would be much more refreshing.  Perhaps I will propose this to the US Triathlon Association.  I will be doing the Reston Triathlon this September.  Also thinking about adding the Luray Olympic distance tri as well.

2013 is going to be a good year, I can feel it. I wish you all a happy new year. See you out on the trails!

About Bikes and Pies

Single girl living in Arlington, Virginia with my dog and four bikes. I have a love of biking and cooking. This will be my creative outlet to describe my life biking in and around the DC metro area, with a little food thrown in for good measure. I've decided to combine my love of biking and food into one blog...because frankly, I don't do a lot of riding in the winter, so this blog would get a little boring during the cold, dark months. I will attempt to dazzle you with my cooking and pie making skills during the winter.
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2 Responses to Goals for the New Year

  1. David Lippert says:

    Keep track of those spin class miles and that will help you get to 3,000. FYI, there was no mention of pie in this blog post so I wanted to let you know that I finished the last mini (bite size) pecan pie that a family member gave out during the holidays and I am very sad about it. The holidays are over!

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